2007年5月10日 星期四


发件人 媽媽小時候


2007年4月27日 星期五


自從Claire牙齒長出很多顆後,就很愛咬人!特別喜歡咬媽媽,每當我哄baby睡覺時,她躺在我肚皮上沒多久,就轉過來咬我肚子,一會兒逮到機會就亂咬。剛開始我跟她說不可以咬媽媽,她照咬;我看這種情況沒改善,這幾天開始打打她屁屁或手手;剛開始她覺得媽媽在跟她玩,她還會伸手給我打。今晚我就試著用力的打她屁屁,她馬上發出"呼呼"的聲音,然後用手自己揉揉屁屁,她沒哭,我以為她知道教訓了,下次不敢了,沒想到不到幾秒鐘,她又要往我這邊咬,又想跟我玩,把我當場給氣昏! 不過打完之後,心裡真的非常不捨,畢竟她才一歲半,我就這麼個女兒,何必這麼嚴厲!但想到小孩從小不教好規矩,長大真的很難改掉!此時此刻,我終於領悟〝打在手、痛在心〞的意境了。

2007年4月26日 星期四


前幾天吧,我問baby"你乖不乖",她竟然回我"乖"! 之後,我每次問她乖不乖,她都會說乖!

2007年4月24日 星期二

Claire's very first kiss is gone!!!!

Today Claire and I were invited to a friend's house where kids just playing toys and moms just socializing. There are 2 kids both 17mths, same age as Claire. One is Isabella who is 2 days younger than claire, the other is Nicholas who is about 25 days older than claire. Isabella likes to play with claire. She'd pick up a cracker and give it to claire which i thought is very sweet & cute. Where as Nicholas, who is very fond of claire too. He touched claire's belly and mouth when i change her diaper. When Nicholas was about to leave, I said "kiss kiss". Then Nicholas immediately kissed claire on her mouth for longer than 30sec and hugged her tight enough to make claire fall on the ground which i find very cute & amusing!!!!

2007年4月17日 星期二

I miss Celine jie jie and Ian ge ge

Hi Celine jie jie 姐姐

my mom said you don't like my hair cut. I like it myself becasue ma ma cut it for me !!! I don't have any complaint about my hair cut! It makes me look sooooooo cute!!!! hahahah
Guess what! I have a new friend now. His name is ELMO!!! I love watching Elmo's dvd. (the one mama bought at baby's R us)
When mama is busy doing her things, she will play elmo's dvd for me to watch. And yesterday mama just bought a new elmo's music book for me. I love it!!!

Also, my favorite snack is cereal!! mama bought me all kinds of cereal. When i watch Elmo, mama will prepare some cereal for me. So i eat when i watch...see, my mom have turned me into a couch potato!! Just like daddy. hahahahahah

when are you going to come visit me??? I miss you and Ian gege哥哥, and of course my favorite Gugu 姑姑 Jenny, Gu dea 姑爹 Robert!!

Clairey Barey